Soul Train Line Jungle Boogie Kool And The Gang.mpg

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Fun song and great to dance to


21KJH says:

I see one of Kris Kross’ daddies was on the show.

Anne Lane says:


Darren Sheahan says:

This is how I want to enter the office each morning! 

david entrikin says:

Soul Train Line Jungle Boogie Kool And The Gang.mpg:

Anne Lane says:

soul train jungle boogie “get down, get down”

Eyemallfunkedup says:

Look at those shoes!

Leonid Dikarev says:
VideonejCZ VideonejCZ says:
Joey Johnson says:

The 70’s. Greatest decade EVER. Hands down.
The clothes. The fro’s. The moves. The music.

LadySwag502 says:

The Brother @ 1:56 was getting it! Damn, I’m glad nobody got hurt! LMAO!
Our people are so naturally rhythmic and soulful!

glamarious says:

mortelle comme émission

lunarmantra says:

This is amazing. I would totally wear those clothes today.

Huab Hu says:

Soul Train Line Jungle Boogie Kool And The Gang.mpg

craig williams says:

Too Cool

david entrikin says:

Watch it all the time.


lmboooooo….I <3 this!

Nadya Dee says:

get down get down! 

Piggy-Pike-Music-Like says:

One of the BADDEST Bass lines.>EVER!!!

sacheverelle says:

Rolled up capri jeans were apparently a thing that year.

nenufar says:

to watch this gets me to the point i struggle to stand way so much
coolness, cus u know…u want this type of cool things to stick around, but
they are gone, and one wants to bring it back to here and now..but
everything keeps in a consant freeking movement, id like to freeze these
times and live a whole life stuck in those years. this kind of events
should happen in every party


They don’t call it “Soul” Train for nothing.

Larry Miller says:

they ain’t playin’!

TheChuck624 says:

They all appear to be rushing to the bathroom with a case of the shits.

Willy Freriks says:


dshmechanic says:

Is that Aunt Esther from Sanford and Son at the very end?

Rossella Ross says:

Soul Train Line Jungle Boogie Kool And The Gang.mpg:

Ryan Roberts says:

Soul Train Line Jungle Boogie Kool And The Gang.m…:

chilibean chili says:

Check out this video on YouTube:

Jerzus says:

dude at 1:25 totally coped a feel,

Hrvoje Mrva says:
greta garces says:


Reggie Parson says:
tam rymer says:

Now I know where Kath Day-Knight got her moves.

crieg leagons says:

thoes DAMN shoes AT oo2-009 !!!!

Lando CALRISSIAN says:
Shawn Young says:

Everybody smiling and having a good time, that’s how it should be. And
everybody had their own moves. They were pretty good I could never move
like that and I wasn’t allowed to hear or sing this type of music I was
around six then but now I can appreciate the music and can’t see why (well
I know why they) it was so wrong to listened to.

tropicvibe says:

A time in life when people were happier, healthier, skinnier, everyone was
making love, there were less diseases, less crazy people running around,
people cared more about each other, things could be settled in a fistfight,
everyone lived more or less comfortably, didn’t have to keep constantly
looking around walking down dark streets…I wish my children would’ve
grown up during those times. Although there was plenty of ugly stuff going
on too, my family and friends still made it out with pretty good heads on
our shoulders….

Feather518 says:



Walter Payton. ..

LB M says:

just beautiful!


Soul Train Line Jungle Boogie Kool And The Gang.mpg

itwasntbho says:

01:26 Groped!

Swordfish says:

Aw the glory days of good dancing to great music!

tallpaul881 says:

When I first heard this song as a kid, it scared me. Why? Because it DARES
you to dance, and I have 2 ‘left feet’. But it’s just a matter of simply
“letting the music move you around”. Thanks for sharing, steve3ri!

Hassan Musa says:

So much funny video so you can choose more in YouTube 

Edmund Morgan says:

who is that legend at @0:53

Elena GdeA says:

Let’s dance!

pamela Damon says:

Laying here watching the soul tain from back n the days. The damn men dance
better than the woman

Emilio Mendoza says:

Es un ejemplo, de miles de pasos y creatividad de bailar de cientos de
personas, y Michael Jackson, en un tiempo limite hizo ese paso famoso de
gravedad en el suelo. Como K.F.C. y su pollo empanado, con el nombre de un
general norteamericano que no veia ni a su mujer en la cocina, y le
registro la formula de empanados , cuando era la forma de los esclavos
afroamericanos de comer pollo. Hummm

tyese28 says:

The two dancing at 1:27…the look on the guys face, lol!!

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