Aretha Franklin and Smokey Robinson – Ooo Baby Baby (soul train live)

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James Overby says:

Smokey Robinson seems like a really nice guy. 

d styles says:

Aretha Franklin and Smokey Robinson – Ooo Baby Ba…:

in2food says:

OK gang. Here we have two stunningly talented people who just sit and
effortlessly croon together and within seconds you realize you are
witnessing greatness. Then, on the other hand, you have the likes of Kanye
who spends half his time declaring at the top of his voice that he is the
epitome of musical talent, yet he isn’t fit to do the laundry for Smokey
and Aretha. Some claim and some do…….

TheCrunchySopa says:

A true gem right here on youtube.

philiq18 says:

Daammmnnn! That harmony! Beautiful!

Keith D. Webb says:

Aretha Franklin and Smokey Robinson – Ooo Baby Ba…:

Nikki Bowling says:

listen close at 2:31 when she says “what a price” that’s how angels outta

jetpaq says:

Magic & tears OMG!

Richard Evans says:

Lord have mercy is this soul music or what . . . . .

J Collins says:

Aretha Franklin and Smokey Robinson – Ooo Baby Ba…:

DaOrigTruthSeeker says:

That’s what you call true talent. Nothing like it today.

Johnny Allen Jr. says:

So Smooth!!!!!!!! Much Luv to my CLASSICS!!!!!

Brian Rossiter says:

As good as it gets

Frank .B says:

It made me wonder if we will see the likes of these Two ever again . I
really don’t think so!

RobertfromColorado says:


showmesoul says:

Who are the 21 DAMN FOOLS who don’t like this???

JewelsR4ever says:

That’s so sweet it’s almost painful…………WOW!!

RockWithYu says:

This is the BEST performance i’ve ever seen on YouTube!

Chase Jackson says:

OMG…thxs for posting this classic….these two sound great together n
their voices are in thier prime….u can tell that they have a great
respect and admiration for each other….

pearl jones says:

This is music..real music..young people take notes…

Shelley Magner says:

Worth the watch…

Rhonda Stinnett says:


jor .jongerling says:

So sweet. I love it.

michaelterry1000 says:

Wow, That was nice.

TooDarnSoulful says:

Wonderful – Legends :)

Crosstown Bus says:

I won’t even try to describe this. There are no words….

luther williams says:

wow!!!! two great legends performing together! it does not get any better
than this!:)

Barbra Diouc says:


Day Ram says:


Damon Hansen says:


Greg Rendon says:
Shane C says:

Now that’s damn talent! They were put on the spot with no rehearsal and it
was amazing. Stars these days get all upset and diva if that would of
happen in todays time

jessica naranjo says:


Daunte1111 says:

3 things: First of all, amazing duet. Second, that girl in the purple right
behind them is absolutely gorgeous. Third, that interviewer has an
incredible voice haha

Ramia Thomas says:

It’s a shame that mere record labels kept these two from making beautiful

bigman9099 says:

you should not be allowed to graduate from HS in the USA unless you’ve
watched this

Linda Williams says:

Amazing! Two Legends!!

thejazzman210 says:

There’s nothing that can be said after that. Wow.

Kaya Styx says:

Beautiful these two are the best.

Maurice Maguire says:

Aretha was the whole deal back in the 60s and Early 70s 

MegaGoldenleaf says:

perhaps you’ve made mistakes too, come back, please don’t go!

Marjorie Hamilton says:

Two great Icons ..!

Jim VanDePutte says:

Simply beautiful!

pookie panther says:

Do we know what year this was?

Anastasia McCray says:

Lord this gave me life!!!! My mom has this and I’ve seen it a million times
but every time seems brand new! Whew

D.L. Smith says:

This is how we get down in Detroit y’all

Jullian Ota says:

my panties are wet

Diogo Monteiro says:

this interviewer has the best voice

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